"Murder" Game

Original title: Murder


In this game you will become an assassin who dreams of seizing power. Do you have the skill and courage to take out the king. What will be the end result? Will you be able to escape punishment for what you have done?

Death to the King

In Murder 2 you have to devise a cunning plan of action to take out the current leader. Follow the strategy you have devised and prepare the explosion at the palace to take out the king.

Make every effort to accomplish your mission. But will you succeed in taking his place and becoming the new ruler of the kingdom. Each assassin ends up differently, some remain uncaught until their last day of life, and some get punished. Make sure you can't be caught and become the new king. Subdue the will of the people.


Click or hold down the screen to start shooting when you are an assassin and turn back when you are king

