Arcade games

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Arcade games online

Arcade games originated from slot machines, and later, like many other games, they migrated to computers. It is hard to believe that the first computer arcade was released in 1971.

Today, the genre is still relevant and interesting because of its features:

  • Simplified but dynamic gameplay;
  • uncomplicated graphics;
  • no obvious plot;
  • multi-levels;
  • a system of points that the player earns by completing levels;
  • the presence of a character with multiple lives.

Fascinating arcade games can be played by both adults and children. They are available online, just need to have a gadget that is connected to the Internet. Browser games run quickly and help distract from the routine.

This is the best free entertainment. There are many varieties and sub-genres of arcade games. For example, fighting games allow you to arrange a scuffle with your opponent and test your agility in battle. Race gives the opportunity to feel like a pilot of a powerful race car. In addition, there is jogging, jumping, shooting.

Best arcade games:

Try out our exciting storylines

Become the driver of the fastest car in an exciting race. Choose the car you like and go on the road. Here you will need not only to get ahead of your rivals, but also to successfully overcome various obstacles. Once at the start, as much as possible concentrate and focus on winning. After the start of race try to develop their speed to the highest performance.

Go into futuristic mazes to explore new dimensions. But remember that on your way will be a large number of obstacles, which will need to be broken to continue the movement. To do this from the beginning of the game you will be given a certain number of spheres. Just throw them at the obstacle and move on. Don't relax, because if you hit an obstacle at least once, some of the spheres will be lost.

Try yourself as a member of an interesting expedition. You will need to find the trail of extraterrestrial beings that have not previously been known to mankind. An intergalactic flight lies ahead of you. All the way there will be different space creatures following you, and they won't always be friendly. So be very attentive. Danger may be waiting for you from all sides.

Pay attention to such exciting plots:

  • pass courses with obstacles on the car - collect fuel tanks to move to the next level, show your ingenuity to speed up the path;
  • help the white wire to make its way as far as possible - be careful, because its movements will prove to be very fast and nimble;
  • gather as many blocks of the same color as possible - the arrow flying chaotically around will try to hinder you in every possible way.

Arcade allows you to pump up many skills - dexterity, attentiveness, intelligence, the ability to make decisions quickly and correctly. You don't even have to download anything, just open your browser and play.