Christmas Santa Claus Game

Original title: Christmas Santa Claus Game


Finally, Christmas, the date one longs for, full of gifts and surprises. Do you know what you are going to ask in a letter to Santa Claus? Many ask for clothes, other toys, another princess ... and another wish list. But this year we are going to give Santa Claus a gift for Christmas! We'll have to change dresses, showing off the costumes if you want to use them next year.

We're used to seeing him show up in his classic red attire ... But now it's over, we can change his outfit. We can dress up Santa Claus in different colors: blue, black, pink, white ... Choose the one you like, take a picture and share it with your friends. We can also create a card to your liking, and we can also decorate moving images, so we can congratulate our whole family.This year, Santa Claus is no longer the same. Many people know him as San Nicholas, Santa Claus, Papa Noel ... It's always the same for every place on earth. May this Christmas also be different for everyone. For the girls, the kids ...For a while we decided to leave the princess aside and show the funniest and most beautiful side of our favorite Santa Claus.

Show your taste in Santa Claus attire this Christmas and use your wish to ask for it next year and congratulate your family. This year you are going to invite the hero or princess right to Santa Claus. We hope you enjoy the Christmas anthem atmosphere. Happy New Year 2016 to everyone, girls, boys, children.
