"Space Jump" Game

Original title: Space Jump


Space Jump takes you from your comfortable and safe home to a flying saucer that plies the vast expanse of space in a matter of seconds. Be prepared for all sorts of obstacles on your way.

Guide the ship through the gates in the game Space Ju

At first glance it may seem that we are the only living creatures that inhabit the universe. Even scientists believe this, since they don't get any answers to their signals. However, next to our galaxy, in a parallel world, there may well be different forms of life. How true it is up to you to find out. Hop into a flying saucer and set off to explore new worlds. But to get into another universe can only get the select few. You'll have to fly through a certain number of gates that either close or open. If you don't have time to fly between the gates, your ship will be crushed. And you will have to start your journey all over again.
