"Save The Egg" Game

Original title: Save The Egg


Save The Egg is a fun game of skill. You need to transport huge eggs - the goods are fragile and subject to rapid deterioration. So you need to act carefully, carry the cargo carefully. At the same time you need to deliver a giant egg quickly, so the car will accelerate to maximum speed. Get behind the wheel of the truck, make sure that the egg is already in place and move slowly from the spot, speeding up gradually. Your route is not an easy one. This area is called off-road, because as the blood trail is not visible, around solid bumps, pits and ditches. You need to drive very carefully. When you see a difficult section ahead, slow down and pass it at a slow speed so that the egg does not fall out of the back. And it can if the car bounces around on bumps. If you deliver the egg in one piece, you get some points. Then you can go back to the start and transport the next egg.


On Desktop - Use A/D or Right Key / Left Key to drive the car.
On Mobile - Use GUI buttons to drive car