"Phase 10" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Phase 10


A fascinating and addictive card puzzle game in Phase 10. It is necessary to complete a phase in the game from the creators of Uno. This is the kind of competition that can bring together a large group of loved ones for over 30 years! Imagine that you are traveling without boundaries. Participate in a race to win, where you have to complete each phase while staying ahead. Each of the phases has a specific set of cards that need to be put together during the game. Once the set of cards for one of the phases is ready, lay them out on the playing field for all to see. The one who can collect all the phases the fastest will win. But remember, the round is over if there is nothing left in the player's hands. Ready? Then start the game!


When a player empties his hands, the round will end. Each player that finishes their phase will move on to the next phase.The game ends when one player empties their hand after any player finishes their last phase. The player who both finish their last phase and empty their hand is the winner. Other players are ranked by the number of completed phases. Two players on the same phase are ranked by their score. The lower score wins.