"Mini Colors" Game

Original title: Mini Colors


Some simplicity is not at all worse than theft, as they say. Sometimes simplicity is style and poise. Executed in black and white colors minimalistic game Mini Colors allows you to focus on the essence of tasks, without being distracted by bright colors and stressful dynamics.

Black and white - connect two aspiring objects to each other in the game Mini Colors

In this game you have to control the square, moving it in the right directions, bypassing obstacles and dangers, in order for it to meet the object of its adoration. Focus on the goal. Simplifying heroes doesn't make the joy of accomplishing the goal any easier. By getting past the complications and finding the exits, you can connect with your beloved and light up a doting heart over the couple. Keep in mind, the goal is "flirting," so you'll be required to pay attention to keep her in sight at all times.

This game is freely available on Zarium. Try this classic retro version of the platformer, feel the pleasant nostalgia and relaxing vinyl record crunch of the game.


Desktop -X Space or Left Click to switch gravity Mobile -Touch to Switch Gravity