"Rescue The Little Cub" Game

Original title: Rescue The Little Cub


Puzzle lovers have a more active brain. Scientists have established the usefulness of this hobby, and it turns out that often solving puzzles, not only improves memory and attention, but can also prolong life. So download our game Rescue The Little Cub on Zarium and train your brain activity.

The mission of Rescue The Little Cub is to save the little cub

Evil forces have lured the little cub into a magical forest, shuffling the paths, so he's uncertain which path will lead him home. To get out of the shackles of the magic forest and return to his parents, the little lion cub will have to go a hard way. However, he will not be able to cope with all of the upcoming tasks on his own.

Download the game on any device and help the little lion cub get free. Show your wits, logic and the ability to make quick decisions. And you'll not only win a place in the game, but you'll do a good deed by bringing the little lion cub back to his family.
