"Little Red Riding Hood" Game

Original title: Little Red Riding Hood


In spite of her sad experience, Little Red Riding Hood decided to visit her grandmother again and reach her through the woods on her own. She is in a hurry, because she has freshly baked cakes in her basket.

Save Little Red Riding Hood

Our heroine has two roads. One is safe, but very long, and the second is short, but there awaits a lot of danger. Of course, our heroine decided to take the short route.

In the woods Red Riding Hood expects not only the gray wolf, but many other dangers. Fortunately, the heroine already knows that she may be waiting for her here, and is ready for danger. You have to help her gather wild fruits and berries. But as soon as a snake gets in her way, it must be defeated. The same fruits and berries will help her in this. The wolf can also be shot with poison.

