"Imposter Solo Kill‏er" Game

Original title: Imposter Solo Kill‏er


The members of the Among Us crew decided to develop a simulator on Zarium to understand how traitors could take them out. They called it Imposter Solo Killer. Playing as an assassin makes it easier to understand where your vulnerabilities are and confront evil later on.

What's frustrating about the game is that the assassin attacks from behind when you can't see

Space Travelers Among Us has learned that the power of traitors is in the ability to do their dirty deeds stealthily. Playing in Imposter Solo Killer on Zarium as a traitor they can learn to think like an assassin so they can find and catch one, and even stay alive.

The main thing we know about traitors is that they use the visibility limit of their spacesuits, and then even your neighbor may not notice what's wrong when they're being killed.

That's all right, now the crew will learn their lesson!