"Happy Family Puzzle" Game

Original title: Happy Family Puzzle


Puzzle games are undoubtedly timeless classics that can please you at any time of the day or night. Play on your own, or get your friends to help you solve another puzzle. Happy Family Puzzle has many colorful pictures waiting for you, and it's best to play with your family.

In the gallery, you'll find lots of colorful images that will appeal to anyone's tastes. Some of them will be temporarily unavailable. To unlock them, you need to successfully put the previous puzzles together. So, do your best! Choose one of the pictures you like available and determine the level of difficulty. There are three in total in the game: easy, medium and hard. What to choose for yourself, it's up to you. Calculate their strengths intelligently and dispassionately. As soon as you get to the main process, the picture splits up into puzzles, and you can start playing. Drag and drop the pieces to recreate the whole picture.

