"Flappy Bird Play with Voice" Game

Original title: Flappy Bird Play with Voice


Games in which you control not so long ago became popular, but loved by many gamers! The game about the flying bird, which you have to control your voice, probably familiar to everyone. That's why we suggest you to play the new game from Zarium - Flappy Bird Play with Voice!

Flappy Bird!

What is the essence of the game? It's simple! You control a flappy bird that listens to your commands, if you say "Up" the bird will fly higher, if you say "Down" the bird will fly lower. The main thing is to try to dodge all the obstacles that will meet on your way. Maybe the first time you will not last long in the air, but soon you will be setting your own records in this exciting game!


Game controller is your voice You have to say Up to move bird up and say Down to move bird down