"Draw puzzle: sketch it" Game

Original title: Draw puzzle: sketch it


Draw as many puzzles as possible according to the requirements of the game and move on to the next level, where a new task awaits you. Here you can fully reveal yourself. It doesn't matter if you have experience in the game or not, because it is not necessary.

Get the most out of Draw puzzle: sketch it!

A large number of adventures will accompany you during the game. Additional convenience for the gamer is created through intuitive controls. And the representatives of the stronger half of mankind, and elegant girls can try their hand in the game. There are no restrictions. Dive into a fascinating world. The game not only develops your hidden talents, but also improves your dexterity and attention. Explore the game from beginning to end. The painstaking work of designers and graphic editors has given the game beautiful graphics. Get a real enjoyment out of the game.

