"Crystal Gem Garnet Dress Up" Game

Original title: Crystal Gem Garnet Dress Up


Garnet is an alloy of ruby and sapphire, and the current de facto leader of the crystal gems. Garnet is one of the last surviving gems on Earth, who joined the crystal gems in rebelling against the native gem world, and then helped her friends in defending Earth for the next several millennia. After Rose Quartz gave up her physical form to give birth to her son, Stephen Universal, Garnet became the leader of the group

The game has visuals such as the first conceptual design in which she wore a yellow scarf, some of her regenerations, her beachwear, etc. You can even create a slightly different version of Ruby and Sapphire. You can change her facial expression and use different types of hair, with melting and gradient.

Have a great time creating your exclusive crystal!
