"City Scooter Bike Jigsaw" Game

Original title: City Scooter Bike Jigsaw


In the game City Scooter Bike Jigsaw on Zarium you just have to solve puzzles. Who doesn't love putting puzzles together? Almost everyone does. These days, traditional board puzzles have moved to online mode. So all you have to do to put a puzzle together is go to Zarium, and have fun.

Do puzzles, together with the game City Scooter Bike Jigsaw!

When you open the game, 6 puzzles will appear in front of you, each of the puzzles has 3 levels of severity. That is, if you are collecting puzzles for the first time, you can take the easy one, if you are good at collecting puzzles, you can take the heavy one. The theme of puzzles - scooters, so the game is more suitable for boys, but girls can also play. Attention is welcome in the game. The game allows you to develop logical thinking and assiduity.

Puzzles on Zarium will drag on for a long time and you definitely won't get bored. So put together a cool puzzle!
