"Brick House Escape" Game

Original title: Brick House Escape


The hero of Brick House Escape on Zarium has found a rented apartment in a great mansion. When it came to haggling over the price, the owner, a great lover of quests, agreed to give a discount if the hero will be able to find his own key to the house. He would have to help the tenant.

Pebble by pebble, pebble by pebble we'll solve the quest and surely take a discount on the rent

The game is full of riddles, challenges, puzzles and quests to find items. In different rooms of the house you will find things that can serve as keys to geocaches, where the clues for the next stage of the search are located.

You'll have to keep a close eye on the colors and locations of various items that could be encrypted codes for new discoveries.

Surprise the author of the quest with your sagacity!


Mouse Interact