"Barbie Pregnancy Care" Game

Original title: Barbie Pregnancy Care


Barbie is waiting for her firstborn. During this period, the girl is very vulnerable and requires special care and attention. Unfortunately, she is left alone at home. Become her assistant in the online game Barbie Pregnancy Care. Listen and fulfill the wishes of the girl to provide her with maximum comfort and relaxation. You must entertain and fulfill Barbie's wishes all day long. Click on one node on the bar and start. A coveted goodie or activity will appear in the cloud of thoughts. Left click on the correct whim of the girl. Try to correctly and quickly fulfill all her wishes. No need to bring her to tears. Make her a delicious and nutritious cocktail, turn on some relaxing music and perform a couple of cosmetic procedures. Let the day will be fraught with joy. Play Barbie Pregnancy Care now.

