"Thriller House Escape" Game

Original title: Thriller House Escape


The neighbors in the game on Zarium were seemingly normal people, but everyone soon realized that because of them, there were a lot of rats brazenly snooping around the nearby houses. It had to be dealt with. "Hello, anybody home?" - "Cluck!" What's that? The doors have slammed and there's no one around but rats!

Can you tell me how to get to the exit?

Oh, you don't know! Then get out of here, bald-tails! Let's take this opportunity to explore the mysterious house. The owners are one hundred percent "crazy"! There are mysterious clues, riddles and puzzles everywhere. That's how a visit to the house turns into a real quest.

Find a pattern in the various hints located in different rooms and look for all the items that will be the keys to solving the mystery. Step by step, make your way to the solution and be rewarded with the key to the front door!
