"The Dark One" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: The Dark One


Dark One will fully immerse you in a world full of magic and creatures not of this world. You will have to deal alone with the laws of magical reality and implement a rescue plan. You will engage in battle with orcs, demons, knights, undead, pirates, and evil sorcerers. But, if your goal is to save the world, you'll have to collect a lot of gold and chr to buy equipment and upgrade your spells. This is the only way to get into an equal fight with the biggest evil of the magical world. Scared? So are the inhabitants of this planet, so all their hopes are now placed solely on you. Help them stay in one piece.


A-D or arrow keys: Walk Around
E: Interact with items and npcs

During Battle:
Q: Arcane Blast
W: Fireball
E: Frostbolt
A: Power Shield
S: Mana Explosion
D: Use Potion


Move left
Move right
Interact with objects
During battle
Arcane Blast
Power Shield
Mana Explosion
Use Potion