"Tank Battle Multiplayer" Game
Original title: Tank Battle Multiplayer
The new Tank Battle Multiplayer game will send you into a world where war never stops. You will have to take part in a grandiose tank battle. First, choose a tank. What kind of machine will be - light and agile or bulky, but demolishing with the first shot, it's up to you to decide. Get in the tank and go to the battlefield. The algorithm will each time you choose a new location. Look around carefully and begin to develop a strategy for battle. As soon as you see the enemy, go to the approach. After a while he will be in your kill zone, and then the moment for the shot will come. If you calculated everything correctly and aimed well, the enemy's tank will receive damage and will no longer be able to participate in the battle. Depending on the extent of the damage you will be awarded points. If you make a mistake, the shot was not productive, or what the good enemy hit your tank, then do not despair. You can always start the level all over again and fix all the blunders.
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