"Ninja Knife" Game

Original title: Ninja Knife


A real ninja can deal with his opponents with his bare hands if the need arises. But it is better not to bring it to this. It's better to demonstrate your skills in handling edged weapons.

Kill all the zombies in Ninja Knife

Enraged zombies have invaded your village to kill anyone and everything that matters. Stop the reanimated dead before they kill all the villagers. Use your extraordinarily sharp knives to fight the zombies. Throw them at the opponents until they are killed. Sometimes one strike is not enough and you have to spend several knives on one zombie, and there is a whole army of them. You must not let the entire room be filled with zombies. Move quickly between the enemies so that they do not have time to strike. And try not to let them too close to you. Otherwise they'll start biting you, taking away your health. If your life bar is empty, you're dead.