"Minecraft - SkyBlock" Game

Original title: Minecraft - SkyBlock


The beauties of uninhabited islands beckon many who want a break from the bustling everyday life. But here, of course, not everything is so rosy. The island is deserted and there is absolutely nothing that can be found in your city or home.

Island of Bad Luck

Each game has the very zest for which it is played by thousands, if not millions of users. If the game with all the positive design nuances and is free, the great popularity of her guaranteed.

You have to show all their skills ability to survive on a desert island. In reality, it borders on death, in the virtual world, you are not threatened by it. You have a chest with the necessary tools. You also have wood, which can act as a building material. What else do you need? That's right - a little bit of wit. All these things will allow you to build the island of your dreams to live on as you want.

