"Minecraft Differences" Game

Original title: Minecraft Differences


The game Minecraft Differences on Zarium wants to test your attention and observation. And, of course, nimbleness, because tasks must be completed in a limited time.

The game pictures are so similar, but still it's not the same

You will have to pass 10 levels, where epic scenes from the mythical game "Minecraft" are waiting for you. And you have to, like detectives, to spot all the differences between images.

The game sets you a search limit, tells you the number of differences to find and marks the already found.

By the way, the trick with the methodical prlatyvivaniem space pictures in the hope of finding differences - no pass! You'll have to honestly look at the details or go through the level all over again.

Intrigued? We're sure you'll succeed. Go for the win!

