"Micro Tanks" Game

Original title: Micro Tanks


This game is a kind of duel on a small map. Only together the real people two tankers. You control a microtank, with which you can destroy the enemy's equipment.

Small but great

The fact that your tank is very small does not mean that you can not defend yourself. The outcome will depend on how skillfully you handle the tank. At the very beginning of the game you'll find yourself in a maze, where there are different hiding places. But use them to your advantage. There are two strategies in the game: ambushing the enemy or boldly coming up to him and attacking first, taking him by surprise.

In the latter case you need to have a good reaction to shoot. You, as well as your opponent will have a limited amount of charges, pay attention to this. Also on the screen will be displayed such an indicator as the strength of the armor, when the cell is empty, your tank will explode. Do not let this happen.


Player 2
Player 1