"Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe Slide" Game

Original title: Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe Slide


Puzzles are a great way to spend your free time. And if puzzles also with your favorite car as in the game Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe Slide, the time will pass much faster and, most importantly, more fun.

Play puzzles, assemble your Mercedes

Download the game Mercedes-Benz GLE Coupe Slide, choose one of the three pictures depicting the car, then decide on the difficulty level - there are three - and start putting the puzzle together. Cope with one level, go to the next and so on, until you will collect all the options available in this game. If in doubt or if you don't know which puzzle is next, click on the "eye" - it's your cue - and continue. Also, you can shuffle the puzzles and try again to find the right combination. To make the game even more interesting there is a timer that will spur you on and show how much time you have spent on the assembly of a puzzle.

Intrigued? Then run the online game and check yourself!
