"KOGAMA Adopt Children and Form Your Family" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: KOGAMA Adopt Children and Form Your Family


The addictive multiplayer game KOGAMA Adopt Children and Form Your Family invites you to become the leader of a large family that is literally scattered all over the city. Gather them and help them if they need it. A fascinating romp that will require you to be very attentive and not distracted. You definitely won't get bored here, because you'll need to move forward and backward, turn left and right and even jump. Gather your family and friends, hurry up, they are waiting for you. Before you start the game, be sure to specify your age, so that the game shows only the content that corresponds to it.


W — Move forward.
S — Move backward.
A — Move left.
D — Move right.
Space — Jump.
K — Respawn.
Esc or M — Menu/Quit.