"Kids Scrambled Word" Game

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Original title: Kids Scrambled Word


Scientists have proven that for a more complete development of the intellect, a child needs to perform various logical tasks. However, lessons with cards and cubes quickly get bored. In this matter, a great way to occupy children and test their abilities is to solve crossword puzzles. They are quite simple, but more interesting because they require additional skills. For example, making a word out of dice, a child sees in advance how many letters are in it and randomly rearranging them can gather the right one. In the case of crossword puzzles, developing more and spatial thinking and simple calculation skills. Your baby should not just guess the word, but also enter it into the cells so that the crossword puzzle is formed. Crossword puzzles cover a wide range of topics, so your child will greatly expand their vocabulary. Play and develop together with Kids Scrambled Word.
