"Evil Santa" Game

Original title: Evil Santa


Before Christmas comes, catch at least 15 presents thrown out of Santa Claus' sleigh by the evil elf. Santa Claus can not be evil by definition, because he has to give out gifts. But what happens in the world, and even more so in the game, and we present to you the most that neither is evil Santa. It turns out that in the family of Christmas grandfathers have their own freaks. This one is a real villain, and even with bad habits. Just look at his disgruntled face with a cigar in his teeth. But why should you look at him, take the tools on the panel above and make the carnage with the villain in Evil Santa game. First, you can shoot him, when you get the coins, buy mechanical boxing glove, and then throw him gifts, smack him with the Christmas tree, and finally run over him with the Christmas train. That's just the way he wants it. Collect coins and buy new and better weapons, a large selection of weapons and throwing objects. Enjoy the game and destroy the evil Santa.


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