"Choose Correct Fruit" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Choose Correct Fruit


Why not learn a little - you can do it without tedious lectures and long rules. Develop concentration and attention without leaving your computer. Play Choose Correct Fruit and it will become your favorite pastime. Catch the different fruits that fall from the sky in the correct order. This task is just up to you.

Thanks to Choose Correct Fruit you can improve your attention and fine motor skills. The essence of the game is quite simple. As soon as a certain fruit is in the pink zone, touch the button that corresponds to the fruit. They will fall mixed up, so you should be very careful. If you press the wrong button, the game will end right away. One fruit is one point. Try to get as many points as possible throughout the game. For the same fruit only one press is enough if they are in the zone at the same time.


When the fruit comes to the line press suitable fruit button.