"Brooder House Escape" Game

Original title: Brooder House Escape


Games in a quest format are very popular among children. Solving puzzles, they learn to quickly navigate in space, develop attentiveness and logical thinking. Therefore, these games not only help distract from everyday problems, but also very useful.

Solve puzzles in the game Brooder House Escape

In the story the game you are locked in an unusual house, where the living creatures besides you are just a couple of chickens. Chickens have lost their chicks, and if you help them find, you'll get the key to the door and be able to escape from the confinement. In order to find the chicks, you need to solve many different riddles. They are varied. but most of them are for attention. More often than not, you have to pay attention to the results of some of the previous tasks to solve one. Be attentive and you will be able to get out.
