"Blackjack Master" Game

Original title: Blackjack Master


It is clear that there is no question of a real game of Blackjack. Here everything will happen only virtually. But even this peculiar version will bring you benefit and pleasure. You'll even be able to bet in Blackjack Master. The most important thing is not to take any risks. And there is no need to go to the bank. Even if you are a desperate player and ready to put all your savings on the line - it is wrong. That way you can very quickly lose everything you have. Why risk so much? Isn't it better to develop a certain strategy and achieve success gradually? Get your cards, turn them over, and ponder. Should you take more from the deck? Maybe it's time to open up and see what your opponent's combination is?


In Blackjack the player competes against the dealer by comparing cards. Ways to beat the dealer:
- Get 21 points in your first two cards (called a blackjack), without dealer blackjack.
- Reach a final score higher than the dealer without exceeding 21.
- Let the dealer draw additional cards until his hand exceeds 21.
The player is dealt an initial two-card hand and adds together the value of their cards. Face cards (kings, queens, and jacks) are counted as ten points. Ace is counted as 1 point or 11 points. All other cards are counted as the numeric value shown on the card. After receiving their initial two cards, the player has the option to get a ""hit"", which means taking an additional card. In a given round, the player or the dealer wins by having a score of 21 or by having the highest score that is less than 21. Scoring higher than 21 is called a ""bust"" and results in a loss. A player may win by having any final score equal to or less than 21 if the dealer busts.

The dealer has to take hits until their cards total 17 points. Player wins if they do not bust and have a total that is higher than the dealer's. The dealer loses if they bust or have a lesser hand than the player who has not busted. If the player and dealer have the same point total, this is called a ""push"", and the player does not win or lose chips on that hand."