New plot, anime and ancient Greek warrior in Warframe

The staff at Digital Extremes Studios unveiled a new chapter of the single-player campaign called "Veilbreaker". In the role of Kahl-175 players will have to save the Primordial system from the forces of evil. Also the developers showed the 50th warframe Styanax, the appearance of which was inspired by the ancient Greek hoplites. The character will be given to everyone for free - just for the entrance to the game. Finally, the Warframe story was complemented by a short film "Day of Ascension", made in anime style.

How Warframe will change in September

The Fall update contains a chapter of the "Veilbreaker" campaign, where you must defeat the Mind Keepers and become the hero Grineer. The addition includes the Archon Hunts missions, skins from the Abyss Shell set, and other items of decoration. The newcomer to the fight against evil, warframe Styanax, will be available after logging in in September. In the story, this character rescues people from slavery who have fallen into the clutches of a villain nicknamed The Philanthropist. Some of the details of what happens reveals the animated film, published by the developers on YouTube.

Digital Extremes also redesigned some aspects of Warframe, including the properties of armor, ammunition and classic Excalibur, Volt and Mag frames. Appearance customizations will be added to the Caladrius Collection of protea, which includes a hero skin, as well as throwing bomb and harpoon styles. Finally, along with the release of the update, the developers will open access to "Tennogen" - user-created character designs.

28 August 2022