Free DLC and other prizes for TESO's anniversary

The Elder Scrolls Online celebrates its tenth anniversary this April. But the events pleasant for gamers will start much earlier - on March 4, when the Orsinium add-on will be given away for free and entrance rewards will be awarded. And to make it easier for the heroes to explore the abandoned capital of orcs, everyone will get a riding animal, pet and equipment items. Anniversary gifts, including collections from the virtual store, will also help in the adventure. What else will the specialists from ZeniMax studio please us with?

The Elder Scrolls Online Anniversary Details

The main prize, as mentioned, will be a free giveaway of the Orsinium DLC, which contains the Rothgar region, orc armor sets, weapons, and quests with rewards upon completion. To unlock this gift, all you have to do is log into your account twice before the end of the month. But this is not the only login reward - active users will also receive resources and artifacts. These will surely be useful for anyone who undertakes to fulfill King Kurog's assignment in the abandoned city and risks to gather all clans under one flag. Also in Rothgar you can find world bosses, dungeons, excavations and other activities, as well as the Maelstrom arena.

But the festivities won't be limited to these adventures alone. Participants of the event will receive commemorative rewards, riding animals and orc-style pets, including Black Ursauk, and collectibles from the Crown Store - they will remain free for the whole month. But you'll have to unlock achievements to get them. Among the closet updates, silk robes with Nordic-style ornaments deserve a special mention. The developers inform that it's only flowers - the serious celebration will start in April.

04 March 2024