"Ultraman Planet Adventure" Game

Original title: Ultraman Planet Adventure


Ultraman loves to travel to different planets and complete missions. In Ultraman Planet Adventure, you go with him on an important mission. The planet you're about to visit is full of evil criminals, and you must clean it up. Once you've landed, investigate the area and determine the presence of enemies so you know what to prepare for. Ultraman has incredible skills and abilities and will have no problem defeating a horde of feral monsters, especially with your support. Use all available props to complete the mission as quickly as possible. As you kill your opponents, you can collect all the props that will fall out of them. Fighting Ultraman is one of the most memorable adventures of your life.


Player 1: W A S D - move / jump, WA/WD - left jump/right jump, J - light attack, K - shield, L - add hp.
Player 2: ↑ ↓ ← → - move / jump, ←↑/↑→ - left jump/right jump, 1 - light attack, 2 - shield, 3 - add hp. (Digital keypad)