"Stickman Army : Team Battle" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Stickman Army : Team Battle


The little black men in Stickman Army Team Battle have to constantly fight back against the forces of evil. And now the soldiers of the invincible army of Stickman have to fight with a dangerous enemy. Unfortunately for the funny little people, the forces of evil conduct a thorough reconnaissance and are well aware of the strengths and weaknesses of Stickman. This means that this time the enemy is even more dangerous. However, fear of the enemy and his awareness does not obviate the need to fight back. Excuses aside, you need to take on the role of commander of the black army and start giving orders. Develop your own strategy. Point out to your warriors which direction to shoot, and they will gladly rush on the enemy. Conduct a decisive new battle against the arrogant enemy and prove that the warlord is no less brave than a simple soldier.


Follow the in-game tutorial to learn how to defeat the opponent team !