Shoot Game

Original title: Shoot Game


Shoot Game is a simple game with no complicated controls or numerous conditions. Nevertheless, it will draw you in, entice, annoy you, you will want to pass level after level and you will not notice how quickly the free time flies by. This game will appeal to both children and adults.

Shoot Game: think first, then shoot

On each level of the game you will have a simple, but different conditions. You have a man with colored guns, figures of different configurations and a square, where it is marked, as well as what color should be colored figure. You make a shot from the cannon of the desired color and in that order that the colors on your and the test figure coincide. You may need to make several shots so that the colors overlap each other. The fewer shots you make to get it right, the better. In the game you can test your logical thinking skills and spatial imagination.
