"Rescue The Officers" Game

Original title: Rescue The Officers


It can't be helped, you have to defend the honor of the uniform in the game Rescue The Officers, and just feel sorry for the guys. So, you, as a seasoned specialist, have to sneak into the den of malefactors, to lull their guard and, with the help of improvised means, to rescue the officers. One wrong step and the situation will go on an irreparable scenario: the attackers are armed to the teeth and ready for anything.

I know the password, I can see the landmark

Yes, so far you are lucky in a big way, because you have already broken into the base of the bandits. Now we must quickly find the keys to the cells where the comrades-in-arms are languishing. Hmm, it's a combination lock. What to do? Solve the puzzle with the ultramodern lock in the game Rescue The Officers can take forever.

But what if the invaders were careless and wrote down the symbols or digits of the passcode somewhere? You'll have to do better than that, because the code will open the door to freedom! And the SWAT team will talk to the bandits in a completely different language!
