"OutOfMiind" Game

Original title: OutOfMiind


Something unbelievable is going on on the wide highway leading to a peaceful city - sweeping away everything in their path, crowds of biorobots are moving in the oncoming lane. It's frightening to imagine what the androids will do to the inhabitants if they are not stopped.

Grab the cloven sword, hero, and put an end to the biorobot invasion in the game

The hero of OutOfMiind on Zarium has taken on the mission of defending the metropolis from a clone attack. He has a crooked saber at hand, but to pacify the biorobots, that's enough. Since everything is done in a terrible rush, you need to conserve your strength, because every swing of the saber wastes energy.

On the way you have to watch out for all the junk the androids leave behind, wrecking everything in their path, and oncoming vehicles. Don't forget to collect useful items.

There are an infinite number of biorobots, see how many you can stop.


keyboard space to cut up and down to move