"Math Duel - 2 Players" Game

Original title: Math Duel - 2 Players


Math is no longer a boring exercise, but an exciting puzzle competition with Math Duel - 2 Players on Zarium. Playing against the computer or competing with a friend for supremacy, you will coolly pump up your counting skills and other mental abilities.

Why are students as one happy - because as a game now they have a test

Choose a math duel: against a friend or with a computer, decide on the type of arithmetic operations: adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing, which will be the source of the tasks for this stage of the competition and decide at what level of complexity will be the problems.

On the screen you will be shown examples, and you have, as quickly as possible, choose the right one out of the three options. A unique experience and inexpressible feeling of the game guaranteed!


Player 1
Player 2