"Marble Balls" Game

Original title: Marble Balls


Each of us wants to spend our free time with benefit, but at the same time interesting and fun. Puzzle games are a perfect solution to this problem, they will help you spend your time in a fun way and at the same time develop your intellect! Marble Balls is an original puzzle game, aimed at developing dexterity, logical thinking and farsightedness in each player. This is a game you can't tear yourself away from without passing all of its 99 levels, each of which is a new level of difficulty. In order to pass it you need to align at least four carousels, making them explode to collect "balls". Don't worry it's not as hard as it might seem at first glance. Believe me, after that your IQ level will skyrocket and you'll be able to amaze everyone with your intelligence level.

