"KOGAMA Cat Parkour" Game

Original title: KOGAMA Cat Parkour


Cat Parkour is a game for true cat lovers. In this multiplayer arcade, the player will have to overcome many obstacles together with his friends. The game contains parkour materials. The main task of the player is to reach the flag. On the floor in the form of obstacles will be placed green squares. On them in no case can not step on. The player should jump over them. On the way you also need to remember to collect blue crystals. The camera in the game can be rotated in all desired directions and put at different angles. The player can hit the green square only a couple of times. After losing he will see his progress of passing. Also he and the amount of remaining health can be seen in the upper left corner.


W — Move forward.
S — Move backward.
A — Move left.
D — Move right.
Space — Jump.
K — Respawn.
Esc or M — Menu/Quit.