Game "Hawaiian explorer. Pearl harbor"

Game "Hawaiian explorer. Pearl harbor"
  • Game size:
  • Release date:
    20 March 2010
  • Operating system:
    Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
  • Minimum requirements
  • CPU:
  • RAM:
  • Graphics card:
    256Mb, DirectX 9
Game screenshots

Game description

You'll be searching for items against a backdrop of maritime adventure. a 61-year-old multimillionaire from the States named Charlie Johnson loves those very adventures. The world knows him as one of the best treasure hunters. He was able to find a huge number of valuable objects, but his dream has never come true. Johnson dreams of finding the Diamond Medal, a relic made famous by the impressive diamond that adorns it

The medal was created 800 years ago at the court of a Japanese emperor, who presented it to his finest samurai. But in the 18th century, the medal was stolen, and since then no one knows anything about it. All his life, Charlie searched for the relic, but to no avail, and now, suddenly he has the data that tells him where to look for it. According to the information he got, the medal was on the ship that sank near Pearl Harbor. So Charlie assembled a search expedition and set out on a journey.

You are one of the team members. Fifteen missions await you, all near Pearl Harbor. Each of the missions has 5 episodes, and each episode has 3 levels. Each level has a new location, all of them are different, there's a shipwrecked deckhouse, a bar on the shore, and other unexpected places.

At the beginning of each level Charlie hands you a list with one main item around which the plot is built. On the ship, you'll find soldier tokens with the name of someone on the crew. Charlie finds that sailor's granddaughter, and she gives you a map that shows you where the safe with the right contents is hidden. Everything is interconnected, so don't be discouraged from running errands that you might find too boring or too easy.

On Charlie is the organization of the entire team and gets the necessary information, and you do all the practical tasks. The game will interest both children and adults, because we want adventure at any age, and feel like a treasure hunter in general is very exciting. Join Charlie's team and go in search of the mysterious medal.