Happy Glass Game

Original title: Happy Glass Game


In one very unusual fairy tale kitchen lives a happy glass, and next door lives his muggy friends. Every day, right from the morning, his master drinks water from the glass and goes straight to school. You in the game Happy Glass Game can facilitate for him this task - just take it and help. When your character appears on the screen, he will be in a certain place. On the same screen there is a tap, which is open and from it flows out of the water. In order for it to fill the glass, you must be extremely fast with a line to draw a path for the water from the faucet to the glass. When the water starts running again, it will go straight into the glass. But this is only if the line is drawn accurately and correctly. If you're squinting, you'll lose the round. But don't get upset - there's always a chance to correct your mistake.


Click/Tap and drag to draw lines.