"Galaxy Shoes" Game

Original title: Galaxy Shoes


Galactic shoes are probably the coolest thing everyone should have. But what if the ones you use daily are just a trivial pair of black snickers? Well ladies, I guess you have to learn how to give them a splash of color and some shiny bits by playing the latest game called Galactic Shoes! It's easy! You'll have nothing but fun!

So, the first thing to do: make sure you have the right black shoes. Then make sure you have all the tools prepared for the fun part. Make sure you have the right brushes, check the color palette, and then start using your favorite shades to add a splash of color to this trivial pair of snickers.

Once you're done coloring, you ladies can also choose from a wide variety of tools to create some stars or sparkling dots on your new pair of shoes! Great job, ladies! Now that you have the main accessory of your stunning look, why don't you ladies go to the next page of the game and choose the best outfit to pair them with?

