"Baby Taylor Fireman Dream" Game

Original title: Baby Taylor Fireman Dream


Baby Taylor Fireman Dream is an educational online game for girls. Baby Taylor has a wonderful opportunity to become a fireman. Mom allows the girl to this opportunity. But, she can not cope alone, and she really needs your help. Help Taylor complete all the tasks to become a real firefighter! The first task is to collect all the necessary items to equip the fire truck: ladder, fire extinguisher, fire hydrant, etc. To do this, you need to select all the necessary items and install them on the car. Once the vehicle is equipped, you need to click on the green check mark at the bottom of the screen to save all changes. After collecting the car, you can proceed to the young rescuer's outfit. Choose a suitable costume for Taylor and dress her up. Do not forget the hat! And now you can start extinguishing the fire, Taylor's first serious job is to put out the fire in the house. To do this, you need to quickly get to your destination, pull out and set all the necessary items and start rescuing the residents of the house and extinguishing the fire. Doing everything quickly, you will be able to complete this difficult task. There are several similar tasks in the game and your task is to keep calm and help the girl successfully pass this test!


Mouse click or tap to play