"Baby Taylor A Day Like Babysitter" Game

Original title: Baby Taylor A Day Like Babysitter


Baby Taylor A Day Like Babysitter is a baby simulator that will give you a closer look at taking care of a baby. Your neighbor has asked you to look after her baby girl, help Taylor cope with her new responsibilities. You will have to run various errands and tasks to make the child feel comfortable.

For starters, entertain the baby with toys. Thanks to the hints on the screen, you will be able to quickly orient yourself. Left-click on the item to pick it up. If the baby starts crying, try to calm him down. Don't forget to feed the baby. You will need fresh fruits and vegetables for this. Get them in the fridge. Make a delicious smoothie for the baby. It has a lot of vitamins, and this drink will quickly satisfy hunger. Take care that the child is not left hungry. Also, after eating, he should be put to bed.

