"Baby Hazel In Preschool" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Baby Hazel In Preschool


Baby Hazel In Preschool is a game for girls. You need to look after little Hazel, who, like most children, wants all her whims fulfilled in the blink of an eye. For example, the girl has a favorite game - she loves bubbles. And if she wants to play, they must immediately be there, otherwise she will cry so hard that you will not be able to calm her down. All the wishes of the baby must be met immediately, then you will earn game points for your diligence. If you hesitate, and the baby will cry, you will be credited with the loss, because you did not cope with the task - to ensure Hazel good mood. But since you have already realized that the girl is very impressionable, and you should try harder to please her, then surely you will not allow her tears. Enjoy looking after your little girl and look for the positives in everything.
