"Archer Vs Archer" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Archer Vs Archer


Do you want to compete with your friend, who of you is the most accurate? Then hurry up and enter the Archer Vs Archer and show all your skills. In the game you can measure dexterity, accuracy, speed. This is just a part of the skills that you can brag to each other. But if your friend does not agree to play with you, but you would really like to try to play Archer Vs Archer, you do not have to be upset. The game has as much as two single player modes! The first is called Running Archer and the second is called Mountain Archer. So if you want to play, feel free to come in and choose one of these two modes. To play? Click on the archer and release to aim and calculate the force of the shot. Improve your skills with every minute of play, and most importantly enjoy the process.


Click on the archer and pull back for aim and power. Practice and further instructions are in game.