"Among Them Puzzles" Game

Game screenshots
Original title: Among Them Puzzles


Among Them Puzzles is a way to immerse yourself in the interesting, fantastic and mysterious world of Among Ases. The little men are divided into friends and traitors. The player's task is to collect 12 puzzles with images of little people and unravel their secrets. Who among them is a traitor?

The aliens are waiting for your action

The adventures of Among Ases are presented in the form of toys and games. New and the hit of the season is Among Them Puzzles. The puzzle game is for anyone who likes funny aliens, regardless of age. Start assembling the pictures to figure out the traitor from the 12 crew members presented.

The puzzle elements are moved with the mouse. Time for collecting is limited, if you do not have time - the picture will fall apart. And you will start to gather again. Correctly connected the puzzle pieces in the allotted time - get points and bonuses. After discovering all the members of the crew, it will be easier for you to figure out who's who.

