"Addition Practice" Game

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Original title: Addition Practice


After graduating from schools and institutes people are sure that they don't need to study anymore. But everything in time is quickly forgotten, and what was once elementary becomes complicated. Repetition of many rules only strengthens our knowledge and makes it more complete. Today we invite you to attend a lesson in arithmetic. The principle of the game is built in the form of a puzzle, so you definitely will not get bored. The main task of the game is to add up numbers. The game has several modes, allowing everyone to choose a suitable one for themselves - without transferring, with transferring, for ten minutes and for twenty minutes. Your task is to add up numbers of four or more values, for example 1267+3961. To do this, you'll have to use the column addition rule. If you choose the mode without carryover, you have to choose the sum of each column from the total set of numbers. Move from right to left. If you use hyphenation, you do the following, for example, the sum of 4 and 9 is 13. We write the number three and carry the one to the next sum of the column.

